By XeroGoFastXeroGoFast. Last updated
2. Patching Steam
3. Installing
4. Save Files
5. DepotDownloader Setup
6. Using DepotDownloader
Discover the best Game Key and Steam Gifts offers, compare prices to download and play Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice at the best cost. Compare the Steam Gift price from suppliers all around the world. Activate CD Keys on your Steam client to download the games and play in multiplayer or singleplayer. Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice has been well received by fans, with it being one of the top 5 most played games on steam in 2019 and winning the award for 4th best PS4 game of 2019. It has received review scores of 90% on Metacritic and 9/10 on Steam, with players.
[Hide]Sekiro Steam Charts
Download the crack from the link given below:the game!music credits: SYMBOLISM song by ELECTRO-LIGHT. In Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice you are the 'one-armed wolf', a disgraced and disfigured warrior rescued from the brink of death. Bound to protect a young lord who is the descendant of an ancient bloodline, you become the target of many vicious enemies, including the dangerous Ashina clan.
Some Unrestricted and No Airswim runs of Sekiro are fastest on previous patches (1.02/1.04) rather than the current patch (1.06). This is because a lot of useful skips and glitches have been either changed or completely removed. That being said every run is still possible on current patch and downpatching is entirely up to the runner's choice.
The downpatching process used to be much easier, but was completely changed when Steam removed the ability to downpatch through the console. There are now two methods of downpatching: patching Steam to re-enable the console method and using a tool called DepotDownloader. Patching Steam is the easiest so the guide for that will be listed first.
Do note that save files that have been played on 1.06 will not work on 1.02/1.04. You may need to turn off Steam Cloud synchronization for Sekiro to prevent 1.06 files from showing back up on your downpatched game.
[Hide]Patching Steam
1) You need to download the Steam patcher here.
2) Launch the downloaded executable to patch Steam. You'll need to do this again every time you restart your computer or Steam and want to downpatch.
3) Navigate to the Steam console by pressing Win+R and typing 'steam://nav/console'.
4) Enter the following 2 commands, waiting each time for the 'Depot download complete' message to appear:

For 1.02:
download_depot 814380 814382 3790569681063041856
download_depot 814380 814383 5495069844870915919
For 1.04:
download_depot 814380 814382 3631105265998125253
4.5) If you have issues with the 2nd of these commands (should only be the case in Asia), then you may need to use a slightly different command:
For 1.02:

download_depot 814380 814385 8515152497741126867
5) Be patient on the downloads, they'll likely be slower than a typical Steam download.
6) There are 2 additional files you'll need that are missing from these depots, sekiro.exe for 1.02/sekiro.exe for 1.04 and steam_api64.dll. Download these separately to a location you'll be able to find them and extract the '' folder to find 'sekiro.exe'.
Adobe audition tutorial. For 1.04 you'll also need to copy the pack.dat file from your 1.05 install as the command for downloading it doesn't work for some reason.
7) Now you can move on to the Installation section.
If you used the patching Steam method, the old patch files will be in your Steam install folder under 'SteamSteamAppscontentapp_814380' and inside another folder.
Sekiro Steam Price
If you used the DepotDownloader method outlined below, the old patch files you downloaded can be found in the 'depots' folder inside 2 subfolders named after the depots (814382 and 814383, 814384 or 814385).
In each folder the important files are everything except the '.DepotDownloader' folder.
If you only want a downpatched version of Sekiro installed, you can delete the files in your current Steam install and copy these files there instead along with the 2 extra files you downloaded earlier. However, there is an easy way to have multiple versions of Sekiro installed that I'll outline below.
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1) Create a folder anywhere you like and name it something that'll remind you it contains your downpatched Sekiro. I created a folder named 102 in the same location that I downloaded DepotDownloader to. Copy the old patch files here, including the 2 additional files you downloaded.
2) Create a new text document in this folder titled 'steam_appid' and in that document copy only the number '814380'. If you have file name extensions showing, the name of document will be 'steam_appid.txt', if you don't you'll only see 'steam_appid'.
3) Optional: Add this install to Steam as a Non-Steam Game so that you can launch it directly through Steam whenever you want.
[Hide]Save Files
Save files aren't compatible between 1.04 and 1.02 so you'll need to delete or backup the 's0000.sl2' file in '%AppData%/Sekiro'.
[Hide]DepotDownloader Setup
1) You need to aquire .NET Core from Microsoft's website here, make sure to download the current recommended build for your operating system (Windows x64 for most users, but please check this).
2) Launch the downloaded executable and follow the instructions to install .NET
3) Download the DepotDownloader tool from GitHub here. Find whatever the latest release is and make sure to use the first download link, not the source code.
4) Move the .zip to somewhere you'll remember and extract it (WinRAR and 7-Zip are free tools that can extract .zip files)
[Hide]Using DepotDownloader
1) In the extracted DepotDownloader folder bring up the command line at that location by typing 'cmd.exe' into the address bar or by Shift + Right-clicking and selecting 'Open PowerShell window here'.
2) Now you can enter the commands to download the downpatched files for Sekiro.
For 1.02 there are 2 different depots that we need, which require 2 different commands:
dotnet DepotDownloader.dll -app 814380 -depot 814382 -manifest 3790569681063041856 -username <username> -password <password>
dotnet DepotDownloader.dll -app 814380 -depot 814383 -manifest 5495069844870915919 -username <username> -password <password>
For 1.04 use just the one command:
dotnet DepotDownloader.dll -app 814380 -depot 814382 -manifest 3631105265998125253 -username <username> -password <password>
Starting with the first command, replace the <username> and <password> with your Steam account details, paste it into the command line and hit enter to begin the download. If you have Steam Guard active you will be prompted for your code. Here's an example of me using the command to download the first depot.
You will be able to check progress as the files download. Be patient as it will take longer than a normal Steam download.
Once it's finished, just repeat the process with the next command until you have both completely downloaded.
2.5) If the last command returns 'Depot 814383 (Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice - Activision) is not available from this account.' (should only be the case in Asia) then you'll need to use a slightly different command:
For 1.02: Nba 2k19 pc key free.
dotnet DepotDownloader.dll -app 814380 -depot 814385 -manifest 8515152497741126867 -username <username> -password <password>
For 1.04:
dotnet DepotDownloader.dll -app 814380 -depot 814385 -manifest 1613271962634429538 -username <username> -password <password>
3) There are 2 additional files you'll need that are missing from these depots, sekiro.exe for 1.02/sekiro.exe for 1.04 and steam_api64.dll (the bolded text are links to the files). Download these separately to a location you'll be able to find them and extract the '' folder to find 'sekiro.exe'.
For 1.04 you'll also need to copy the pack.dat file from your 1.06 install as the command for downloading it doesn't work for some reason.